
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

~one of the moment~

opsss... dah lame gile x update...
ade post y tertangguh rupe nye. berzaman dah nk upload tp x upload2... hahaha... ni pertemuan y ke brape kali entah... hahaha... but we have so much fun... melaka historical city jugak jadi pilihan setiap kali ingin berdating... cewaahhh... ayat x bleh blah... and everytime i go there... cik abg akan setia menunggu dgn myvi JJL beliau... hebat u... (mane boleh mintak limo plak) these are pictures taken while we're having fun! yeah!

dalam kereta pun boleh la kan? hahaha

kami HOT & Spicy... haha

same2 pakai bju liverpool tp org tu sorok gne jacket die plak... ggrrr

nak tgkap gmbr syok sendri pulakla.. lalala

muke penuh beriman x? hahahaha

i'm hiding from you so you won't see me... (miahahaha)

model escalator ke ape ni?

muke org kene buli while waiting for the movie...
Time ni kiteorg lunch! lunch kt our favorite restaurant... "the chicken rice shop" bkn sekdar nasi ayam hahaha... sempat lg promote kn?  teetttt... punye banyak kali jmpe smpai dh ade tempt favorite kn? (laen mcm je ayat?) 1buln 1 kali jumpa la... hahahaha...

mata sepet sebelah... (am i an alien?) dayyum... hahaha

model teh 3 layers... hahahaha...

yeay! jd sekian saja entry post ini... hahahaha

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